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Project Type: Community Center

Location: Clifton, Illinois

Sofware: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, AutoCAD

The goal of this project was to research our hometowns and to create a community center within our hometowns. In my case, I found that repurposing the old school in town to function as a community center was the best option as it was already occasionally being used for small classes and other things.
Clifton, Illinois is a quiet little town that has a tight knit community and few to little socioeconomic problems. While researching the towns history and current dynamics, the findings have brought to surface that an underlying issue within Clifton is that there are not many activities to do. The lack of activities within the town causes the residents to suffer from boredom, which could put the youth of the town at risk for mental health disorders and committing crimes. This also puts all the residents at risk of inactivity and antisocial behavior. The aim of this proposal is to create a community center that expands upon the existing community buildings and to help reduce boredom throughout the town by providing a space where the entire community can come together. Repurposing the Clifton’s old grade school seems to be the best solution to this issue as the space is no longer in use, as it was closed in 2006 due to budget cuts and lowered enrollment. This space is also centrally located within the town and is directly across from the existing community buildings. These factors make the proposed site a walkable location within the town and a location that can easily be assimilated with the existing buildings within the town. Potentially, this research could be used to improve the existing recreational activities within the town and possibly add new activities. This proposal could also be used as a model for a community center to be started in Clifton in the future.

Hometown Community Center

Summer - 2020

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